Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jaydon 7 Months Old

I was just looking at some of the blogs that I follow and was realizing how long it had been since I last blogged.

Since September, I have:

  • Had Jaydon
  • Moved into a house
  • paid off some of our debt
  • been working between50-70 hours a week
  • started going back to church
  • trying to be a little more active
  • started working from home
It is amazing the things that can happen in such little time!

Here is a recent pic of my baby Boo

Yes, my son is crawling everywhere, loving trying to play with the heater vents, the vacuum, and picking anything and everything up off the floor. He is also trying to pull himself up (successfully might I add) and trying to let go after he is standing and take steps!! I keep telling him that he is taking these things waay too fast lol

I love him so much though. He is the highlight of my day! Everyone always tells you that time will go by really fast, you expect it to go fast, but you never expect it to go as fast as it does.

I mentioned that I work from home now (YAY!!!!!) which makes my day even better because I get to see my little booger wake up and sit and listen to him as he watches Blues Clues on Netflix.

Now that Jaydon is here, I can't even imagine how it would be if something were to ever happen to him. Being a parent is so rewarding!

1 comment:

  1. Wha??? He's crawling! and youre working from home?? You dont update your blog often but I still learn exciting things from it! So happy to hear Sherri. Cant wait to hang tomorrow :)
